31 Days of Lettering May Challenge

“We live in a box of space and time. Movies are windows in its walls. They allow us to enter other minds, not simply in the sense of identifying with the characters, although that is an important part of it, but by seeing the world as another person sees it.” -Roger Ebert

I, Colleen, am an extreme cinema enthusiast and a huge fan of great television. Movies and shows serve as great escapes, educational tools, and sources of joy and inspiration for me. I thought why not combine these with my hand lettering in a 31 day instagram challenge/giveaway for YOU?

Follow me on Instagram to join in and be entered to win!

I’ve decided to start a lettering challenge this month! Each day of May I will post a hand-lettered quote from one of my favorite TV shows or movies. Guess what it’s from as well as who said it correctly and get entered to win a card featuring the design, shipped to you for free! Check back daily to see each new design and guess again!